What’s the difference between caulk and sealant?
With some overlap, caulk generally adheres better for small voids while ultra-flexible sealants work well for moving joints. We recommend the ideal option for every unique gap.
How does proper caulking help Phoenix homes?
It seals the envelope to prevent dust and allergens from seeping in while locking conditioned air inside for efficiency. Precision caulking also deters scorpions, spiders, and snakes from sneaking through cracks.
What areas typically need fresh caulk?
Areas exposed to moisture, like sinks, tubs, showers, fountains, and sprinklers, often need waterproof kitchen/bath caulk. Windows, doors, ducting, and exterior gaps tend to expand and contract with Phoenix’s temperature swings, requiring flexible sealant to prevent cracking.
How long does caulk last in the Arizona climate?
With heat, UV exposure, and mineral content in our water, caulk tends to dry out faster here than in other regions. Still, high-quality professional caulking should last over 5 years. Touch-up maintenance extends its lifespan.
What type of caulk works best for stucco homes?
With numerous stucco constructions around Phoenix, flexible and enduring pure silicon makes sense for the intense expansion and contraction. We recommend color-matched caulks for seamless transitions.